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SUNY 新黄金城集团
College Foundation

Mission Statement

The 新黄金城集团 College Foundation (Foundation) is a not-for-profit corporation of alumni, college and community leaders committed to helping the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (College) achieve its mission through resource development and resource management.

Our Beliefs

  1. The quality of life for present and future generations is inextricably linked to environmental stewardship and the availability of natural resources.
  2. The College’s mission plays an important role in the understanding and management of renewable natural resources, the application of the principles of sustainable development, and the community’s respect for the environment through education, research and public service.
  3. The members of the Foundation’s Board of Directors and the resources of the Foundation are important assets in supporting the mission and strategic plan of the College.

Our Vision

The Foundation seeks to provide the resources necessary to allow the College to achieve its dreams without constraint.


  1. Resource Development: To continue to increase the value of the Foundation’s assets through the raising of new funds each year, prudent investments, and real property management.
  2. Resource Management: To manage the Foundation’s financial investments and other assets in a manner that is both fiscally prudent and consistent with the principles and policies of the College community.
  3. Board Development: To assure that the members of the Board of Directors have a clear understanding of the Foundation’s activities and their responsibilities in support of those activities.

Form 990